Skydiving at The Dead Sea

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Picture of Written by ivisual
Written by ivisual

About Skydiving at The Dead Sea

Skydiving at The Dead Sea

Skydiving at the Dead Sea has never been done before; and now with our brand new drop zone – you have the chance of a lifetime to skydive at Masada while taking in the vidid blues of the Dead Sea, the glittering, contrasting colours of the Judean Desert and taking in Jordan and Israel at once! Thousands of people flock to experience the healing properties of the Dead Sea, and to climb Masada and relive its ancient history. You’ve seen it all from the ground; and now it’s time to take it to the sky! Skydiving in Israel has never been easier or equipped with the best of the best in terms of equipment. We here in Israel Extreme strive to bring you adventure, and to bring you to new heights! This is the only place on the entire Planet Earth where you have the rare opportunity to jump out of a plane to the lowest point on Earth. We take pride in our experienced, and English speaking staff who focus on customer service. From the very beginning of your skydive at the Dead Sea, all the way to the finish line – we’ll walk you through the entire process. As we make our way up to your desired altitude, your pilot – who is handpicked for his perfect safety record, patience, and cordiality – will begin your skydive at Masada with an auditory tour of the Judean Desert, Jordan, Masada, and the Dead Sea until we reach the moment you have been waiting for! Once the door opens, and you take that epic step past the threshold – your free fall begins! A sense of freedom and adrenaline will rush through your entire system. You will become ALIVE! The fun continues as your guide pulls that parachute. Afterwards, you will glide and land safely onto the warm sand of the Dead Sea. Are you ready to live?! Come jump with us and have the best story to tell all of your friends and family.

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